How to Get Over Writer’s Block

If you’re reading this, you’re likely plagued with the pest known as Writer’s Block. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to put ideas onto paper, get the words flowing, or finish that final chapter. Don’t despair because there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Whether you’re writing about a dragon-slayer, casinos in Canada, African politics, or the quantum zeno effect, the tips below will help get you back on track.


While it’s impossible to pinpoint the precise causes of Writer’s Block, it typically stems from discontentment with the act of creative writing. This issue could manifest in several ways, such as:

  • A lack of inspiration and internal motivation
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Easily distracted
  • A lack of external support and encouragement
  • A fear of comparison
  • Harsh self-criticism

Beating Writer’s Block is about taking a proactive approach to turn that discontentment into passion and creative productivity. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Stick to a Writing Routine

Let’s face it. You’re not always going to wake up feeling inspired. Still, if you limit your writing to the times that you feel particularly motivated, chances are you won’t get much done. A routine encourages self-discipline and forces you out of your comfort zone. Stick to a schedule - even if you write utter nonsense.

Come Back Later

Looking for the perfect word or phrase can take hours and break your flow. Rather avoid this habit by jotting down, even crudely, what you want to say or illustrate. When you’re done, you can come back to refine that sentence or paragraph.

Do Something Else Creative

Get your creative juices flowing by indulging in another artistic activity. Take out your paintbrushes, open your scrapbook, sing along to your favourite song, or dance like no one’s watching. Whatever you decide, let it flow and enjoy yourself. Chances are you’ll feel mentally refreshed afterward.

Work on Another Project

Put your current project on ice for a few hours and work on a different writing assignment. Sometimes, all it takes to overcome Writer’s Block is shifting your focus to another topic. Once the words start flowing, you can pick up where you left off.

Go for a Nature Walk

There are so many benefits of exercise, fresh air, and sunshine. Going for a nature walk, hike, or run helps relieve stress, gets your blood pumping, and releases endorphins. It’ll give your stuck ideas a chance to percolate away from the computer screen. Plus, studies show that nature boosts creativity and enhances focus.

Be Kind to Yourself

They say we’re our own worst critics. Even so, negative self-talk can leave you feeling demotivated, anxious, and mentally exhausted. As a result, your writing can suffer. Acknowledge your inner critic but treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

Keep Writing

Writer’s Block can be challenging to overcome. However, a routine, exercising in nature, and taking up a hobby can help immensely. You can also carry on with another project and come back to a troublesome parag

1 Aug 2021